
The practicalities of navigating a Covid-19 resurgence

While a fifth wave of infections has not been formally declared, there is a definite resurgence in infections and the City reminds residents of the do’s and don’ts in managing positive cases or suspected cases.

‘Given the time of year, it is difficult to make a distinction between the common cold or flu, and Covid-19, particularly as symptoms of the latter have become far less specific. Furthermore, testing at private facilities comes at a cost, and public facilities are testing only certain at-risk groups. So it’s imperative that our residents know what to do, should they start feeling unwell or suspect that they may be Covid-positive. This applies also to isolation periods, as many of the regulations have changed in the last few months and the City appreciates that it might be difficult to keep track,’ said the Mayoral Committee Member for Community Services and Health, Councillor Patricia Van der Ross.

Currently, primary care public health facilities are offering Covid-19 tests only to persons 40 years and older, as well as persons of any age who have one or more of the following co-morbidities: diabetes, obesity, heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease, cancer, tuberculosis and poorly controlled HIV.

It is advised that persons who experience cold and flu like symptoms should presume its Covid-19 and should isolate for seven days and be mindful and  stay away from vulnerable persons.

The isolation protocols are:

  • Isolate for seven days from start of symptoms
  • There is no need to isolate if you test positive but are asymptomatic. However it is recommended that you should for five days from the date of the test:
  • wear a mask
  • avoid social gatherings and being indoors socially
  • Avoid social interaction with senior Citizens (>60 years) and anyone with co-morbidities 
  • whenever interacting with people /onset of symptoms

For detailed information on isolation protocols visit:

The public is also advised to keep gatherings small, and in well-ventilated spaces, to continue sanitizing or washing their hands regularly, and properly, to wear masks indoors and to ensure appropriate social distancing at all times.

However, vaccination to protect yourself and others regardless of a prior infection remains priority number one. 

Vaccination has proven to reduce the severity of Covid-19 infection, as well as have longer lasting immunity against the various strains.

‘We strongly advise and encourage residents who haven’t been vaccinated to do so as soon as possible at the nearest vaccination point. It is not only about strengthening your own defense and immune system but also to respect and protect family members and ultimately the community. We cannot afford to drop our guard – practice good health protocols – get vaccinated and go for your booster,’ added Councillor van der Ross.

Source: City Of Cape Town