
Jolly holiday fun has already begun

‘The summer holiday is the most anticipated vacation, not only because it’s the festive season, but it’s also the longest school break. After knuckling down for their final exams, learners are ready to let their hair down. Our libraries and recreation hubs have put together an extensive programme to ensure our children can let off some steam, while remaining engaged and having fun,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Community Services and Health, Councillor Patricia van der Ross.


Libraries offer a variety of activities for all ages including some focused on the season such as Christmas parties and making Christmas decorations.

Other staples on the programme are movies, indoor and outdoor games, face painting, puppet shows, as well as a host of various crafts and storytelling, among other things, to keep children entertained and positively engaged.


The City’s Recreation and Parks Department has put together a holiday programme of hundreds of activities, which includes hikes, e-games, a variety of sport codes, talent shows and indigenous games.

‘Our staff go the extra mile during the holiday to keep our young patrons entertained. I want to encourage parents to send their children to join in the fun activities. The young ones will develop their social skills in a fun way, while parents will have peace of mind that their children are kept busy within a safe space and in a constructive manner,’ said Councillor Van der Ross.


The schedule of school holiday programmes at the various libraries, and recreation hubs, is available here:


Source: City Of Cape Town