
Deputy Minister Reginah Mhaule hands over R62 million ASIDI School in Mbuqe, Eastern Cape, 29 Oct

The Deputy Minister of Basic Education Dr Reginah Mhaule and Eastern Cape MEC Fundile Gade will through the Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Delivery Initiative (ASIDI), hand-over Nkululeko Ralo Primary School to the community of Mbuqe, Mthata in the Eastern Cape.


This state of-the art school has amenities which include a resource centre, science laboratory, multipurpose centre as well as a nutrition centres where learners are served nutritious meals daily. Built at a cost of R62 million, Nkululeko Ralo Primary School forms part of the 266 schools completed as part of the ASIDI project.


Much more than a story of brick and mortar, the ASIDI schools are helping to restore pride and renew ownership communities have in their schools. ASIDI continues to play a vital role in eradicating mud schools, and in so doing, bring back dignity to rural education.


Source: Government of South Africa