
Transfer of City-owned land to boost short, long-term skills development efforts in Cape Town

Statement by the Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Growth, Alderman James Vos.

Cape Town’s clothing and textile sector has been given a boost with the Council approval of the transfer of City-owned land in Mitchells Plain to a local non-profit organisation for the development of a skills training centre.

The NPO, Design26 Foundation, was established in 2018 to create a robust pipeline of skilled employees, entrepreneurs and suppliers for the manufacturing industry in Cape Town.

I am pleased that Council agreed to the sale at a discounted rate because of the long-term social and economic benefits of the training centre to the surrounding community and the metro at large.

As a caring, well-run City, the transfer is based on an equitable and sustainable model for providing infrastructure to promote economic growth.

It was my pleasure to put before Council another item that it authorised: the transfer to the Western Cape Provincial Government of 39 land parcels designated and used as schools.

Given that only provincial governments have the constitutional oversight function of education, not only is it necessary but also overdue to place the relevant Western Cape Government department in direct control of the assets. Direct control of the sites will allow forward budgeting for the management and maintenance thereof.

Because the land is used for schooling purposes, the City will not derive any financial gain from the transfer of the properties. However, the transfers will indirectly support economic growth in the long term because it will allow the schools easier access to the necessary maintenance resources, which will create a more secure environment for learning.

The land transfers of all sites will be facilitated by the Property Management Department within the City’s Economic Growth Directorate.

Source: City Of Cape Town