Chegou a solução para a mineração de criptografia simples


High Hash Rate

HELSÍNQUIA, Finlândia, May 06, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Dual Miners ( ultrapassou a marca de 45 milhões de dólares norte-americanos em encomendas e pré-vendas. As plataformas de mineração recém-introduzidas pela Dual Miners superaram o que temos atualmente no mercado de criptomoedas. O motivo não é rebuscado. Com esta inovação, tornaram a mineração distinta e simples. O que facilita ainda mais é o manual de instalação que acompanha a máquina. Não precisa de ser perito em tecnologia para entender como a mesma funciona.

Devido aos avanços na tecnologia de chips ASIC, a Dual Miners Ltd desenvolveu três soluções que são pré-configuradas para facilitar a utilização e prometem um retorno do investimento em menos de um mês. A empresa, liderada por alguns dos especialistas mais experientes na indústria de mineração de criptomoedas, está sediada no Reino Unido.

De acordo com uma declaração da mepresa , as ofertas atuais da empresa incluem DualPro, DualPro Max e o mais recente DualPremium, todos concebidos para oferecer apoio a operações lucrativas na cadeia de blocos de sua escolha.

Fundada em Londres, a Dual Miners é uma empresa de design e fabrico de chips com escritórios na Finlândia, Coreia do Sul e Austrália, além da sua sede no Reino Unido. Possui uma série de equipas com profundo conhecimento em diversos tópicos, incluindo tecnologia de cadeia de blocos e design tecnológico, entre outros.

Os consumidores podem adquirir unidades de processamento gráfico da empresa, que também fornece serviços de desenvolvimento de carteira de criptomoedas. A empresa tem escritórios em três continentes diferentes. O facto de a Dual Miners ter acumulado uma quantidade substancial de experiência de mercado rendeu-lhe uma reputação respeitável na área de cadeias de blocos.

Como resultado, a Dual Miners pagará os custos de envio e as tarifas de importação, permitindo que os consumidores não gastem mais do que o custo do dispositivo e ainda recebam tudo o que precisam para começar sem incorrer em custos adicionais.

Sobre a Dual Miners

Fundada em 2015 com a intenção de desenvolver e comercializar os primeiros mineradores de criptomoedas duplos líderes a nível mundial que utilizam a tecnologia SHA-256 ou Scrypt. A empresa afirma ser a primeira empresa de mineração dupla do mundo. Com o DualPro, propusemo-nos fornecer maior potência a um custo menor do que anteriormente era possível no setor. A Dual Miners está sediada em Londres, Reino Unido, e possui escritórios em várias outras cidades do mundo, incluindo nos EUA. O site da empresa,, fornece informações adicionais sobre a empresa e os seus produtos.

Para mais informações, visite

(+358) 41 4001034

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La solution de minage de cryptomonnaies simple est arrivée


High Hash Rate

HELSINKI, Finlande, 06 mai 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dual Miners ( a franchi la barre des 45 millions de dollars de commandes et de pré-ventes. Les plateformes de minage récemment lancées par Dual Miners ont dépassé ce que nous avons actuellement sur le marché des cryptomonnaies. La raison n’est pas étrange : avec cette innovation, la société a rendu le minage distinct et simple. Ce qui le rend encore plus facile est le manuel d’installation fourni avec la machine. Il n’est pas nécessaire d’être un vétéran des technologies pour comprendre comment elle fonctionne.

Grâce aux avancées de la technologie de puce ASIC, Dual Miners Ltd a développé trois solutions qui sont pré-configurées pour une facilité d’utilisation et la promesse d’un retour sur investissement en seulement un mois. La société, qui est dirigée par les spécialistes les plus expérimentés du secteur du minage de cryptomonnaies, est basée au Royaume-Uni.

D’après une déclaration officielle, les offres actuelles de la société incluent DualPro, DualPro Max et la plus récente plateforme DualPremium, toutes conçues pour soutenir des opérations lucratives sur la blockchain de choix.

Fondée à Londres, Dual Miners est une société de conception et fabrication de puces qui possède des bureaux en Finlande, en Corée du Sud et en Australie, en plus de son siège au Royaume-Uni. Elle compte plusieurs équipes ayant des connaissances approfondies sur une variété de sujets, notamment la technologie de blockchain et la conception technologique, parmi d’autres.

Les consommateurs peuvent acheter des unités de traitement graphique auprès de la société, qui fournit également des services de développement de portefeuilles de crytomonnaies. La société possède des bureaux sur trois continents différents. Le fait que Dual Miners a accumulé une expérience considérable sur le marché lui a permis de se bâtir une solide réputation dans le secteur de la blockchain.

Par conséquent, Dual Miners prendra en charge les coûts d’envoi ainsi que les frais d’importation, permettant aux consommateurs de ne pas dépenser plus que le prix du gadget mais en recevant tout le nécessaire pour se lancer sans encourir de dépenses supplémentaires.

À propos de Dual Miners

Dual Miners a été fondée en 2015 dans le but de développer et commercialiser les premiers doubles mineurs de cryptomonnaies de premier plan qui utilisent la technologie SHA-256 ou Scrypt. La société affirme être la premier entreprise au monde de double minage. Avec la plateforme DualPro, nous avons décidé de fournir plus de puissance à un coût inférieur à celui qui était auparavant disponible dans le secteur. Dual Miners a son siège social à Londres, au Royaume-Uni, et possède des bureaux dans plusieurs autres villes à travers le monde, y compris aux États-Unis. Pour en savoir plus sur la société et ses produits, veuillez consulter son site Internet à l’adresse

Pour tout complément d’information, rendez-vous sur

(+358) 41 4001034

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20 of 108 District Six Phase 3 beneficiaries finally return home

Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Minister, Thoko Didiza, has welcomed the return of the 20 of the 108 District Six Phase 3 beneficiaries who have received the keys to finally return to their ancestry land.

In a statement on Friday, Minister Didiza said the final return of the District Six Phase 3 beneficiaries will be done in phases starting from today to observe COVID-19 protocols.

On the 9th and 16th May 2022, 42 beneficiaries will receive their keys, while the other 46 will receive their keys on 20 May 2022.

“I am grateful to all stakeholders who made this historic day in the lives of these beneficiaries possible. This is a clear indication by all three spheres of government our commitment to restore the dignity of the people of District Six,” the Minister said.

In March this year, the department received the letters of occupancy from the City of Cape Town and then deliberations took place regarding the manner and plan in which the return of the beneficiaries will be managed.

To date, 96 dwellings have been allocated while the remaining 12 have some family disputes and verification challenges that are being attended to by the department.

Didiza said she was pleased that deliberations aimed at creating a safe environment for the returnees and facilitating social integration is ongoing.

“We would like to apologise to all the beneficiaries for the delays as they were unavoidable and meant to ensure that we tick all the boxes before the final return following the lessons learnt from the previous phases,” she said.

The Minister added that it should be noted that in May 2021 the City of Cape Town took a final order before Judge Cloete in the Western Cape High Court, interdicting and restraining any person who intend to unlawfully occupy any part of District Six.

The relief granted to the City is far reaching in that it interdicts any new unlawful occupations from taking place on any part of the full extent of District Six.


Source: South African Government News Agency

Government announces KZN flood relief interventions for transport sector

Government has announced multi-faceted interventions for the victims of the KwaZulu-Natal floods ranging from measures to alleviate the economic impact on road users to the rebuilding and rehabilitation of infrastructure.

Addressing a media briefing on Friday in relation to the much-needed relief in the transport sector Minister of Transport, Fikile Mbalula, said government is working closely with communities to ensure speedy repairs to both the road and rail infrastructure in the shortest possible time is realised.

“The quantum cost for the repairs and rehabilitation of the rail network affected by flood damage is estimated at R3.3 billion. The disaster compounded an already challenged rail network that had been hit hard by theft and vandalism of rail infrastructure,” the Minister said.

He said the service recovery for commuter rail will be undertaken in phases due to the severity of the impact of the floods on the rail network.

The first phase will focus on restoring safe train movement in areas where damage was limited.

Government anticipates achieving recovery in the north between one to three months, particularly in areas where the damage is not as severe.

Emergency procurement processes have been activated to introduce a diesel service by the end of May 2022 in the following corridors:

  • Durban to KwaMashu
  • Durban to Stanger
  • Durban to Pinetown

The second phase of the recovery will focus on recovering damaged and destroyed infrastructure, which will take between three to six months from the date of the award of the contract in the following corridors:

  • Durban to KwaMashu
  • Durban to Umlazi
  • New Main Line to Cato Ridge
  • Reunion to Kelso, which will be confirmed once structural and geotechnical engineering consultants have been appointed for Illovo Bridge.

Repairs on national roads

Repair and rehabilitation work on the N2 and N3 is already underway at a total cost of R542.5 million. This work will be funded from the South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd (SANRAL) budget.

The following sections of the national roads are therefore receiving priority:

  • Mhlali River Bridge (Northbound) – The design and construction drawings to repair damages to the bridge have been finalised. The repair work should be complete in three months from the date of the award of the contract.
  • Ramp M45 Queen Nandi to N2 South over Umhlangane River – The design and construction drawings have been finalised. Expectations are that the repair work will be completed in one month from the date of the award of the contract.
  • Louis Botha Overpass – The design and construction drawings have been finalised. Government anticipates that the repair work will be completed in two months from the date of the award of the contract.
  • Umhlanga River Bridge – The design and construction drawings have been finalised. The repair work should be completed in one month from the date of the award of the contract.
  • Armco Culvert on N3 Southbound ramp at Peacevale Interchange – Design and scoping to address pavement failure and severe erosion of the road fill above the Peacevale Armco culvert have been finalized, with the anticipation that the repair work will be completed in six months from the date of the award of the contract.
  • Embankment failure on N2 Northbound carriageway – Initial assessment and scoping of the works by SANRAL to address the complete embankment failure, resulting in northbound carriageway slow lane and shoulder settlement over 1 metre have been completed. Repair work will be completed in 8 months from the date of the award of the contract.
  • Embankment failure on N2 Southbound carriageway – Design and construction drawings to repair embankment failure resulting in cracking and settlement on the Southbound carriageway shoulder, affecting the slow and fast lanes have been finalised. Repair work should be completed in 10 months from the date of the award of the contract.

Funding repairs for provincial roads

Funding to repair provincial roads will be allocated through the reprioritization of the Provincial Road Maintenance Grant to the tune of R3.1 billion.

“The province had initially requested assistance to the tune of R5.1 billion. However, through the reprioritisation of the Provincial budget, the R2.6 billion will be funded by the Province,” the Minister said.

The following are provincial roads and Municipal structures that have been identified for priority repairs and rehabilitation. SANRAL has been appointed as an Implementing Agent for this work.

  • M4 Slip No. 1 – Repair work to the embankment washaway with failure of the roadway, which includes the shoulder and half a lane width will take six weeks to complete once a contract has been awarded for this work.
  • M4 Mdloti River Bridge No. 1187 – Repair and rehabilitation work to the embankment washaway, which undermines the pavement structure behind the abutment, leading to part failure of the roadway will take two months complete once the contract has been awarded.
  • M4 Slip No. 2 – Repairs to the embankment washaway with potential to undermine the roadway will take one week to complete once the contract has been awarded.
  • M4 Tongati River Bridge No. 1237 – Repairs to severe settlement of one pier resulting in the settlement of two bridge spans and hence the roadway above will take 12 months to complete once the contract has been awarded.
  • M4 Slip No. 3 – Repairs to embankment washaway with roadway cracks indicating signs of possible failure of the pavement will take three months to complete once the contract has been awarded.
  • R102 Culvert No. STC 2516 – Repairs and rehabilitation of the failed structure, which comprised a single-span bridge, resulting in closure of the road, will take six months to complete once the contract has been awarded.
  • R102 Slip at Mhlali River Bridge No. 2556 – Repairs to the washed away road embankment in the vicinity of the Mhlali River Bridge, with resultant failure of the pavement shoulder and a portion of one lane will take one month to complete once the contract has been awarded.
  • R102 Tete River Bridge No. 2073 – Repairs to the embankment washaway, which led to the failure of the roadway will take six weeks to complete once the contract has been awarded.
  • R102 Culvert No. STC 2538 – Repairs to the embankment washaway, with the roadway showing signs of imminent failure will take two months to complete once the contract has been awarded.
  • Based on latest estimates for repair times affecting R102/M4, the estimated period is 12 to 16 months in respect of Otongathi and six to 10 months in respect of Mvoti.


Source: South African Government News Agency

President Ramaphosa to launch zero emissions mining truck

President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to officiate the launch of the world’s largest hydrogen-powered, zero emissions mine haul truck on Friday afternoon.

The giant truck – which was designed and constructed by mining giant Anglo American – is a zero emissions prototype of a 290-tonne payload hauler and uses both hydrogen and lithium batteries as its power train.

Anglo American Chief Executive Duncan Wanblad said this is the company’s first step into replacing its fleet with zero-emissions emitting trucks.

“Over the next several years, we envisage converting or replacing our current fleet of diesel-powered trucks with this zero-emission haulage system, fueled with green hydrogen. If this pilot is successful, we could remove up to 80% of diesel emissions at our open pit mines by rolling this technology across our global fleet,” he said.

The President is expected to address the launch and also observe a demonstration of the truck’s capabilities.

In a statement, the Presidency said the use of hydrogen to drive the truck paints a picture of a cleaner South African mining industry.

“The use of this technology demonstrates the efficiency of hydrogen in the heaviest classes of transport and the role it can play in the transition toward a low carbon future.

“This innovative investment fulfills part of the pledges made by Anglo American at the South Africa Investment Conference to contribute to the expansion of the South African economy, including assisting South African industry to achieve a clean energy future,” the Presidency said.

The Presidency highlighted that the country’s move towards a just energy transition and has committed – on a global stage – to lower carbon emissions.

“South Africa is committed, as a signatory to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Paris Agreement, to a just transition, a low carbon economy and a climate-resilient society.

“South Africa is party to an historic agreement signed in 2021 with France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union to mobilise an initial $8.5 billion over the next three to five years through a range of instruments, including grants and concessional finance, to support the implementation of our revised NDC through a just transition to a low carbon and climate resilient economy,” the statement read.


Source: South African Government News Agency

World’s first hydrogen truck a “giant leap” for SA – President Ramaphosa

President Cyril Ramaphosa says the launch of a hydrogen-powered truck is a “giant step” in the right direction for South Africa’s budding green hydrogen economy.

The President was speaking at the launch of mining giant Anglo American’s clean energy powered 290 tonne payload mine haul truck in Limpopo.

The truck – which was converted from diesel to hydrogen – is also powered in part by lithium-ion batteries. It is a world first.

“What we are launching here today is not merely an impressive piece of machinery. It is the genesis of an entire ecosystem, powered by hydrogen.

“Developing the hydrogen economy is a strategic priority for our country. Not only will it be a valuable driver of economic growth and employment; it will also contribute to our decarbonisation efforts.

“The nuGen project provides demonstrable proof of the potential of this sector. It takes us from conceptualisation to reality,” he said.

The green hydrogen economy has been billed as a new frontier for clean energy as it emits low carbon emissions with a global potential of about $300 billion in exports.

South Africa holds approximately 80% of the world’s platinum group metals (PGMs) and 40% of the world’s platinum and palladium supplies – key components in the production of hydrogen.

President Ramaphosa said this could be catalytic for the country with plans already afoot to capitalise on this potential.

“The proposed hydrogen valley, stretching from Limpopo to Gauteng to KwaZulu-Natal, will position South Africa as a global centre for green hydrogen production.

“It will lead to the creation of new industries, aid the decarbonisation of sectors like transportation, manufacturing and construction, and create new jobs for our people in all these provinces,” he said.

The President added that the green hydrogen economy is also part of the country’s critical Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan borne out of the economic devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The National Hydrogen Society Roadmap that was approved by Cabinet late last year will give added impetus to the task of building a sustainable and resilient economy,” he said.

The President emphasized, however, that local businesses must not be left behind in projects such as the development of the hydrogen-powered truck.

“The green hydrogen value chain that Anglo is playing such an integral part in developing must lead to the creation of new businesses and supply chains.

“It must result in more opportunities and employment for the South African people, starting right here in Limpopo,” he said.


Source: South African Government News Agency

Next of kin sought by Welkom SAPS

FREE STATE – The Police in Welkom requests the community to assist in tracing the relatives of an unknown man who was found after an apparent suicide on Monday, 25 April 2022 near the Golf club in Riebeeckstad, Welkom.

The deceased is estimated to be between 30 and 35 years old. He was wearing a blue top, blue pants, blue shoes, he could be 1,8 meters tall, medium built and dark in complexion.

Anyone with information leading to the tracing of the relatives of the deceased, Detective Warrant Officer Elliot Khutsoane of Welkom Detective Services can be contacted at cellphone number 083 940 1743 or alternatively Crime Stop on 08600 10111.


Source: South African Police Service