October 24, 2024

MACLEAR:  Committed and dedicated SAPS members while off duty managed to arrest a suspect for possession of drugs.

It is alleged that today, 7 July 2021 members of Maclear Crime Prevention Unit, WO Mnqinya and Cst Fihlani, while off duty, followed up information on drugs. The members quickly attended to it and at approximately 11:55 they identified the suspect inside a hair salon.

They questioned and searched him and he was in possession of four sachets of tik in different quantities.

The 24-year-old suspect was arrested for possession of drugs. He will appear tomorrow, 8 July 2021 before the Maclear Magistrates’ Court.

The acting District Commissioner Brigadier Rudolph Adolph commended the members that while they were off duty swiftly followed up the information and he thanked the community that trusted the SAPS and provided positive information.

Source: South African Police Service

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