October 22, 2024

Africa Public Service Day continues with the frontline service delivery dialogue

The Ministry for the Public Service and Administration is hosting a series of virtual engagements to commemorate the weeklong 8th Africa Public Service Day (APSD) continental celebrations. Minister Senzo Mchunu participated at the Victoria Falls Conference Centre in Harare, joined other Ministers of some of the 55 African Union Member States responsible for Labour, Public and Civil Service, in their respective countries.

The 2021 APSD programme is being observed in various countries from 21- 25 June 2021, under the theme: “Building the Africa We Want through embracing an ethical culture that underpins purpose driven leadership in the Context of a Crisis”.

The Deputy Minister for Public Service and Administration, Ms Sindisiwe Chikunga will lead a Frontline Service Delivery Monitoring Dialogue to discuss the state of public service in the continent, issues of governance, best practices and innovative ways on how to improve the effectiveness of the public service, amidst the COVID- 19 pandemic.

The dialogue will take place tomorrow, 24 June and will create a platform for engagement, focusing on addressing the role of the public service and participatory governance and development of an efficient and effective developmental state.

The full details of the Frontline Service Delivery Monitoring Dialogue are as follows:

Date: Thursday, 24 June 2021

Time: 09:00 – 13:00

Zoom link: https://thensg-gov-za.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hObVJTgTRnarnbR_VryF-g(link is external)

The speakers of the Dialogue are:

Ms Sindisiwe Chikunga – Deputy Minister for Public Service and Administration

Pofessor Mogie Subban – Chairperson of Association of Southern African Schools and Departments of Public Administration and Management (ASSADPAM)

Ms Phumla Williams – Director General: Government Communications and Information Systems (GCIS)

Ms Irene Mathenjwa – Acting Director-General : Office of the Public Service Commission (PSC)

Prof. S. Fikeni – PSC Commissioner

Dr Neeta Behari – Deputy Director-General: DPME

Mr Emmanuel Kgomo – Acting Deputy Director-General: DPSA

Dr Derek Davids : Reserch Director: Developmental, Capable and Ethical State- Human Sciences Research Council

Ms Carmen Domingo-Swarts – Chief Director: Service Delivery and Compliance Evaluation: Office of the Public Service Commission

Ms Soria Arendt – Chief Director: Middle Management Development: The National School of Government

Mr Rio Nolutshangu – Chief Officer: Municipal Governance & Capabilities: SALGA

The week long commemorations of the Africa Public Service Day will conclude with a Master Class webinar, hosted by The National School of Government (The NSG), where African public servants will be afforded an opportunity to critically reflect on their work and present urgent steps required to improve the effectiveness of the public service. During the webinar, Minister Mchunu will deliver a closing address to the weeklong programme.

The details of the Webinar are as follows:

Event: The NSG- Masterclass to celebrate Africa Public Service Day 2021

Date: 25 June 2021

Time: 09h00- 13h00

Source: Government of South Africa

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