September 21, 2024

MEC Desbo Mohono to hand yet another batch of bulls to emerging female farmers to improve quality of their livestock

To mark the month of August also known in South Africa as the women’s month, MEC Desbo Mohono of Agriculture and Rural Development will on Thursday, 12 August 2021 hand over ten (10) more bulls to emerging female farmers of the province. This follows the recent distribution of bulls in the province to young farmers through the department’s sire subsidy scheme.

Through this scheme, the department is able to assist needy farmers within the province to improve the quality and reproductive rates of their livestock.

Early this year, MEC Desbo Mohono indicated that the programme is aimed at assisting farmers in ways needed to make the agricultural sector a more economical one, thus leading to a general upliftment of the farmers and the broader communities.

Giving these bulls to women, is yet another demonstration that the government is committed to empowering emerging female farmers to reach their highest potential.

Source: Government of South Africa

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