Western Cape Office of the Premier invites media to apply for accreditation for official opening and State of the Province Address, 16 Feb

Media accreditation for official opening and State of the Province Address on 16 February 2023

The Official Opening of the fifth session of the Sixth Parliament of the Western Cape, and Premier Alan Winde’s State of the Province Address (SOPA), will take place on Thursday, 16 February 2023, in the Chamber, Western Cape Provincial Parliament Building, 7 Wale Street, Cape Town. The debate on the SOPA will take place in the same venue on the morning of Friday, 17 February, followed by the Premier’s reply to the debate in the afternoon.


Arrival of Premier, 7 Wale Street entrance: 10:20

State of the Province Address: 10:45


Debate on the State of the Province Address: 09:30

Reply by the Premier on the State of the Province Address Debate: 14:30


Media representatives have two options to cover the events of 16 and 17 February: by in-person attendance or by following the events via livestreams.

Media representatives wishing to cover the events by attending it in person should contact the Senior Communication Officer, Matthys Odendal at modendal@wcpp.gov.za before 12:00 on Monday, 13 February to request accreditation. Please provide the following information:

First name


Identity Number

Name of media house

Cell number

Email address

Date requesting accreditation for: 16 or 17 February, or both

Approval to use personal information by signing the attached form (POPIA)

Members of the media who have received accreditation are asked to please report to the registration desk at the 15 Wale Street entrance to the Western Cape Provincial Parliament (in the Concourse) between 09:00 and 10:00 on 16 February. All media representatives are required to bring an ID book/card or driving licence to gain entry.

Photographers and television crews whose equipment has been cleared by security may also cover the arrival of the Premier at the 7 Wale Street entrance to the Western Cape Provincial Parliament. Two points are available inside the Chamber for a television camera and operator. Photographers will be allowed to take photographs from the Chamber entrance on a rotational basis and from the media gallery.

Please note: no flash photography permitted. A number of points are available on request for TV cameras to plug in at the video control room of the institution – SDI, 720p resolution – please bring your own SDI cable.

No accreditation is needed to follow the event via high-definition livestream. The links to the livestreams:

State of the Province Address, 16 February, 10:45: https://www.wcpp.gov.za/node/14051

Debate on the State of the Province Address, 17 February, 09:30: https://www.wcpp.gov.za/node/14052

Reply by the Premier on the State of the Province Debate, 17 February, 14:30: https://www.wcpp.gov.za/node/14053

Source: Government of South Africa