September 29, 2024

DWS sets the ball rolling on the National Water Week and water month activities in the NW

Today, the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) launched its National Water Week and water month activities to be celebrated in collaboration with government departments, district municipalities, private companies, academia, and community members in the North West Province.

Under the theme: “Groundwater- making the invisible, visible”, the National Water week and water month collaborative activities will respond to the current and future water challenges the Province is facing.

On behalf of the NW DWS Provincial Head, Mr Chadwick Lobakeng, the Director of Water Services Support, Mr Lebogang Bogopa announced the public education and awareness activities that will be conducted throughout the province and pleaded with all stakeholders particularly the media to participate in advocating for water that must be protected, conserved and used in a sustainable manner as South Africa is a water-scarce country. He indicated that the Department continues to support all water users including Water Service Authorities that supply communities with water and emphasized that Municipalities have to acquire technically skilled personnel to ensure that water is supplied to all in a sustainable manner. This is an issue that also received prominence in the recent National Water and Sanitation Summit.

He further highlighted that the North West Province is among the provinces with high water losses. “The department has conducted a study on water conservation and water demand management. It shows the current available water, how much water is being used and how much water is being lost. He pointed out that some of the materials utilized to supply water contribute to physical losses or leakages; this is more so where some of the Municipalities still use AC pipes which cannot stand the water pressure”, he said.

In the midst of all water challenges and as per Minister of Water and Sanitation Mr Senzo Mchunu’s directive to launch more water and sanitation forums in the Province, Mr Bogopa reported that already there are water and sanitation forums established and that more forums will be launched in Bojanala Platinum (Mothutlung and Mmakau), Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality (Ganyesa and Morokoweng), and Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipalities (Dinokana and Borakalalo) in the Water month.

He further highlighted that since the establishment of the water and sanitation forums, disapprovals from the communities have been moderate and that the department aims on spreading the forums throughout the province so that they become the ears and eyes of the department.

Mr Sputnik Ratau added that during the recent Water Summit held on the 18-19 February 2022, the Minister called on all stakeholders to maintain active and sustainable partnerships. “Already South Africa is a water-scarce country and chronic factors such as climate change, population growth and water pollution have also exacerbated the current water challenges and this should encourage water users to continuously employ wise water use in their everyday activities”, he said.

The Water Week and Water Month rollout will be uploaded on the DWS website.

Mr Bogopa acknowledged the media’s presence during the launch as they are key partners in advancing water and sanitation centrality in all communities in the province.




Source: Government of South Africa

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