October 23, 2024

Two sluice gates to be closed at Vaal Dam

Two sluice gate at the Vaal Dam will be closed today, one at 10h00 and another at 12h00 after the water levels reached better manageable volumes due to previous releases.

As of Tuesday, 25 January, the Vaal Dam is at 106.2 % and continues to decrease.

Bloemhof Dam is at 102.5 % full, with a high outflow.

The department’s spokesperson Sputnik Ratau calls on communities downstream to remain vigilant.

“The sluice gates are not yet all closed because dam levels are still high and releases need to continue as we continue to manage the System.

“This means that the outflow and water flowing downstream is still at high levels, everyone must continue to be vigilant andsteer clear of the area, keeping livestock and equipment safely out of the water’s way, while ensuring protection of lives and livelihoods,” Ratau said.



Source: Government of South Africa

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