September 29, 2024
MPUMALANGA – Pieter Kruger (28) appeared before the Secunda Magistrate’s Court for Contravention of Medicine and Related Substances Act. He was granted R5000 bail and the case was postponed to 10 June 2022 for further investigation.Information was rece...
MPUMALANGA – Pieter Kruger (28) appeared before the Secunda Magistrate’s Court for Contravention of Medicine and Related Substances Act. He was granted R5000 bail and the case was postponed to 10 June 2022 for further investigation. Information was received about a person who is selling medicine from his shop. A Project Disprin was registered and the matter was investigated. During Investigation it was established that the suspect does not have valid documents to possess the said medicine. The court was consulted and a search warrant was authorised and executed at the said address. Upon the search, numerous steroids to the value of R300 000.00 were found and confiscated. The suspect was immediately arrested, charged and detained pending his first court appearance on Friday. Investigation continues.   Source: South African Police Service