October 16, 2024

WINDHOEK: The University of Oulu in Finland has hailed the student exchange programme it has with the University of Namibia ( UNAM ), noting that such programmes provide a unique opportunity to exchange lessons on best practices . The partnership started in 2021 , with a mission to co – design solutions to challenges in the tertiary education sector for both countries ‘ universities . The two universities convened a stakeholder event on Thursday 10 October in Windhoek , where the exchange programme , which is currently in its final year , was reviewed . Dr Maria Saari , a lecturer at the Oulu University said that cultural immersion experienced as a result of the programme has been vital in understanding each country ‘ s dynamics for the benefit of the partnership . She said such exchanges provided an insight into how education is conducted in different contexts . Jacolynn Van Wyk , a UNAM lecturer speaking at the stakeholder event , said the event brought together all the stakeholders that were involved in th
e programme to reflect on challenges and lessons learnt . As part of the programme , students are required to be in their fourth year and should be studying Education ( specifically senior primary and junior primary ) to be selected for the student exchange programme . ‘ It wasn ‘ t about looking at the students that have A symbols or top performers , we focused more on students that can carry themselves well , share information and would be open to engage with others in a different context ,’ said Van Wyk . Moses Hamadila , a final – year student at the University of Namibia , who experienced the student exchange programme at the University of Oulu in Finland described it in one word ‘ co – creation ‘. ‘ I was exposed to how lectures teach in Finland , how they deal with discipline in Classrooms ,’ he said . Another student who benefited from the student exchange , Caroline Tokwe said that if given the opportunity she would do the whole experience all over again . ‘ I would do it in a heartbeat if you ask me
; it is something that advances you , your mental state and personal growth , ” she said .

Source: The Namibia Press Agency