October 18, 2024

ONDOBE: A unique cultural event, the Efundula, is underway at Omunyekadi village in the Ohangwena Region, drawing twenty-five young women from northern Namibia and southern Angola. This traditional initiation process, taking place from November 22 to 24, 2023, is a significant cultural event for the participants.

According to Namibia Press Agency (NAMPA), Meekulu Mukwanambwa (real name Ndatoolomba Kandilinganye), who also serves as an Omufukiki (guide to the girls), the Efundula is more than just an initiation ceremony. It’s an opportunity for cultural and heritage enthusiasts from Namibia to immerse themselves in local intangible heritage. The event features traditional wedding ceremonies, complete with dancing, singing, and music.

Mukwanambwa, with a decade of experience in conducting these ceremonies, learned these traditions from her late husband. She highlighted that the Efundula, a longstanding tradition among the Ovakwanyama rural communities in northern Namibia and southern Angola, plays a crucial role in the social and cultural life of the region.

The focus of this event is on young women aged between 15 to 20 years. Mukwanambwa emphasized the event’s role in teaching them how to be responsible adults. Despite the lower turnout this year, she remains optimistic, recalling that last year’s event started with 20 participants but eventually grew to 55 as more girls joined during the ceremony.

Mukwanambwa further mentioned the transformative impact of the Efundula on the participants. She explained that going through this process prepares the young women for future relationships and helps them find their partners.

This year’s Efundula promises to be a vibrant display of cultural heritage, continuing a long-standing tradition that bridges generations and fosters a deeper understanding of cultural practices among young women in the region.