Pretoria: Agriculture Minister John Steenhuisen has commended the signing of the Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land Bill into law. The law aims to support long-term food production as well as the department’s goal of creating more jobs and economic growth. Signed by President Ramaphosa on Monday, the bill supports government’s objectives and priorities, in respect of the sustainable management and use of natural resources.
According to South African Government News Agency, the legislation sets out a countrywide policy and regulatory framework for the preservation and development of agricultural land. The bill also recognises the need for a national regulatory framework to coordinate the preservation and development of agricultural land in a proactive manner, preventing the fragmentation of agricultural land.
The legislation further addresses the need to minimise the loss of agricultural land and promote viable farming units, encourage the optimal use of agricultural land, and provide for food security. Steenhuisen highlighted that since the 2000s, there have been various attempts to develop legislation to replace the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act (SALA) of 1970, as valuable agricultural land was being lost at an alarming rate to residential and mining purposes.
Steenhuisen noted that it is estimated that less than 13% of South Africa’s 122 million hectares of land is high potential agricultural land. Improving food security is one of the Department of Agriculture’s seven strategic priorities. He emphasized the importance of creating an environment for agriculture to prosper and ensuring the sector creates much-needed jobs and food security. The ability to protect and preserve high potential agricultural land for this purpose is one of the essential tools to achieve this goal.
The Minister also announced that an advisory committee, including not more than ten members, will be established to advise on achieving the objects of the Act, and any other matter concerning the preservation and sustainable development of agricultural land.