September 19, 2024

Cape Town, South Africa – Tourism Minister Patricia de Lille and Dr. Alistair Mokoena, Country Director for Google South Africa, have signed a collaborative agreement in Cape Town, setting a new course for the country’s tourism sector. The agreement, aimed at promoting South Africa as a prime tourist destination, will also provide digital training and support to the sector.

According to South African Government News Agency, this partnership aligns with Minister de Lille’s mission to maximize the potential of tourism for economic growth and job creation. The initiative focuses on leveraging technology to revitalize the sector, especially in light of the challenges outlined in the Tourism Sector Green Paper, including the need for support mechanisms for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMMEs) to adapt to digital advancements.

Google’s commitment involves providing non-monetary support to the Ministry, aiding in achieving its mandate through access to Google’s initiatives and programs beneficial to the tourism sector. Mokoena expressed enthusiasm for the partnership, highlighting Google’s role in organizing information and its plans to roll out various programs with the Department of Tourism. These include digital transformation support, skills training, and showcasing South African tourism through the Google Arts and Culture platform.

The primary aim of this collaboration is to harness Google’s technological expertise to enhance the Ministry of Tourism’s efforts in promoting South Africa globally. The partnership will not involve any monetary exchange but will include several key areas of collaboration:

Google will provide insights into global travel trends to guide the Department of Tourism and South African Tourism in targeting specific markets and tailoring experiences to visitor expectations.

Studies on the impact of digital platforms and online content will be conducted by Google and shared with the Ministry at no cost.

Google’s skills training programs, such as the Google Hustle Academy and master classes, will be extended to individuals and businesses within the Ministry’s ecosystem, equipping local entrepreneurs with digital skills to market online.

Support for tourism start-ups through Google programs like the Startup Accelerator and the Black Founders Fund.

Training in Google Ads fundamentals, benefiting over 2,773 South African SMMEs.

Showcasing South African tourism sites and cultural heritage on the Google Arts and Culture Portal.

Co-hosting a tourism thought leadership seminar to present research on the impact of online content and digital platforms in the tourism sector, focusing on digital opportunities for economic growth in tourism.

Minister de Lille emphasized the significance of this partnership in presenting South African tourism innovatively, engaging potential tourists, and inspiring global travel to the country.