October 14, 2024

The Minister of Employment, Labour, and Social Security, Mohamed Rahman Swaray, attended this year’s Regional Review of Implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration in Africa held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on the 8th-10th of October 2024.

The Global Compact is a landmark, inter-governmentally negotiated agreement that is holistic and comprehensive, covering all dimensions of international migration. In December 2018 the United Nations General Assembly endorsed the compact to improve migration governance, address the challenges of contemporary migration, and harness its contribution to sustainable development.

Since its adoption, a Periodic regional review of the Global Compact has been done to Reflect on progress and challenges. This year’s review sees Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe Co-chairing the review process and will present a summary of the regional review to the International Migration Review Forum that will take place in New York in 2026 UNGA.

Sierra Leone over the years
with support from IOM has engaged with stakeholders on GCM objectives and has taken significant steps in addressing irregular migration by developing a Labour Migration Policy which is under review launched the National Migration Policy in 2022, the Overseas Employment and Migrant Workers Act 2023 as well as the National Action Plan against Trafficking in Persons which have earned Sierra Leone the recognition as one of the GCM Champion Countries.

” Sierra Leone’s National Medium Term Development Plan underscores the need to work together on the implementation of the 23 objectives of the GCM based on the ‘whole of the society’ and ‘whole of the government’ approaches, and in close collaboration with the IOM and the UN Family at large. In this regard, the Government of Sierra Leone, with support from IOM, has held several dialogues on GCM implementation. We are fully committed to developing a dedicated GCM Action Plan, following the great example set by other African states.” Minister Swaray said.

Source: Si
erra Leone News Agency