October 7, 2024

The Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs launched the Third Generation National Action Plan (SILNAP 3) on Thursday, 3rd October 2024, reaffirming Sierra Leone’s commitment to advancing women’s participation in peacebuilding, leadership, and national development. The event at the Atlantic Hotel in Freetown aligns with President Julius Maada Bio’s agenda for national progress and sustainable development, complementing critical objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The ceremony, chaired by Mrs. Jabbie Kabba, Gender Adviser at the Office of the President, brought together distinguished figures, including the Deputy Minister of Defence, the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Chairperson for the Parliamentary Committee, and the Minister of Gender and Children’s Affairs, Dr. Isata Mahoi. Key representatives from the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA), the Embassy of Ireland, and other stakeholders graced the occasion.

In her opening remarks, Mrs. Kabba underscored the importance of th
e National Action Plan (NAP), describing it as a vital global initiative to promote women’s empowerment and participation in peacebuilding processes. She highlighted Sierra Leone’s efforts to ensure women play a leading role in peace and security efforts, commending the United Nations for its continued support.

Mrs. Aminata Sannoh, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Gender, provided an overview of SILNAP 3, acknowledging Sierra Leone’s position as the third country to adopt this framework after its inception in 2009. She emphasized the need for strong collaboration between government ministries, development partners, and civil society organizations to successfully implement the plan, particularly in addressing women’s concerns in conflict and post-conflict situations.

Ibrahim Kamara, Director of Planning from the Ministry of Gender, gave a detailed presentation on the structure of the National Action Plan, noting its alignment with UN Security Council Resolution 1325, which acknowledges that women are d
isproportionately affected by conflict. Mr. Kamara outlined key objectives of SILNAP 3, including conflict prevention, protection from gender-based violence (GBV), and increasing women’s participation in political and security sectors. He also emphasized the importance of capacity-building initiatives to empower women in governance and decision-making processes.

The Secretary-General of the Women’s Forum, Mrs. Nadia Momoh, applauded the Ministry of Gender for its unwavering efforts in championing women’s empowerment. She stressed the need for ongoing support and collaboration to ensure the full implementation of SILNAP 3. Similarly, Madam Hawa Samai from the National Commission for Peace reflected on the country’s post-conflict challenges, urging greater institutional support to address gender-related concerns.

In his remarks, the Deputy Minister of Defence praised the plan, reiterating women’s vital role in national security. He highlighted the establishment of a Gender Unit within the Republic of Sierra L
eone Armed Forces (RSLAF) in 2009, which has since promoted gender equality within the military. He noted that RSLAF now includes women in key leadership roles, including command and intelligence positions, ensuring that women are integral to decision-making processes.

As the event climaxed, Dr. Isata Mahoi, Minister of Gender and Children’s Affairs, delivered a keynote address, thanking development partners, including the Embassy of Ireland, for their continued support. Dr. Mahoi reaffirmed Sierra Leone’s commitment to implementing the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security through SILNAP 3. She acknowledged the passing of key legislation, such as the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) Act of 2022 and the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act of 2024, as critical milestones in advancing women’s rights.

The Minister emphasized the need to strengthen policies to combat gender-based violence, including the adoption of a national male involvement strategy for GBV
prevention, the establishment of a toll-free rape helpline (116), and the creation of one-stop centers in seven districts to provide comprehensive GBV response services. She also highlighted the progress made in increasing women’s representation in governance, with the passage of the GEWE Act ensuring a minimum 30% representation of women in political and public decision-making roles.

In closing, Dr. Mahoi officially launched SILNAP 3, reaffirming the government’s commitment to its full implementation. She thanked all attendees, including the President of Sierra Leone, Julius Maada Bio, for their continued support in advancing women’s empowerment and gender equality in the country.

Source: Sierra Leone News Agency