September 24, 2024

The South African Police Service in Vuwani led by Visible Commander Lieutenant Colonel Thilivhali Mulaudzi together with SAPS Vuwani Communication Officer Captain Elias Chipangana, have on 02 October 2021 conducted a crime awareness campaign at Makakavhale Secondary School situated at Lwamondo.


They were joined by school governing body, SANCO members from Lwamondo, Lwamondo Tshivhale Pastors forum and parents.


The following issues were addressed:


* Drugs & Alcohol abuse

* Rape

* Bullying

* Discipline

* Malicious damaged to property & theft of school properties

* Hitchhiking

* Burglary


They were encouraged to report domestic violence incidents to the police, pastors, principals and other community leaders.


Source: South African Police Service

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