SAPS school bullying road show instils mutual respect

KWAZULU-NATAL - Today, the “Captain Lollipop - Be My Buddy Not a Bully" road show continued with a visit to Marlborough Park Junior Primary School hosted by SAPS Brighton Beach.

Corporate Communications officer, Captain Louise Le Roux engaged with 291 learners through educational talks displaying colourful foam presentation boards created by herself, with cartoon characters to assist her in enhancing the visual learning experience for the little ones when she engages them.

During phase one of the road show, learners in the foundation phase of local educational institutes will be targeted.

Today, a total of 291 learners from Dirkie Uys Senior Primary School were addressed about bullying in schools. The various forms of physical bullying were explained through an enactment activity.

The theft of personal property from fellow learners such as monies (tuckshop/transport), school uniform, stationary, lunch, and school books were addressed. The consequences of theft of school property were also explained to the learners.

Learners were encouraged to practise respect and discipline and to use the words "thank you", "please", and “I am sorry" (if they had done something wrong), when engaging their educators and fellow learners.

Through the support of educators, 291 school anti-bullying information guides, created by Captain Louise Le Roux, will be placed in the learners’ homework books as support material for parents, guardians and caregivers.

Through this Safer School’s initiative, the strategic objectives of the SAPS was attained. The presentation aimed to increase the learners’ level of awareness about bullying and the impact thereof.

Captain Louise Le Roux thanks the Principal and educators of Dirkie Uys Seniot Primary School for affording the SAPS a platform to host this Safer Schools initiative.

Source: South African Police Service