September 20, 2024

In celebration of women’s month, the South African Police Service (SAPS) celebrates its women who continue to make a mark in a traditionally male dominated environment.


Today, we introduce the nation to Sergeant Luleka Mhlauli.


The member is a Mounted Unit member attached to the Free State Mounted Unit.


Born and bred in King Williams Town, the forty-year-old member began her career in the SAPS 15 years ago, having joined the organisation in 2006. She is the only female Mounted Unit member in the Free State.


Mounted Unit members are police who patrol on horses.


As a Mounted Unit member, Sergeant Mhlauli’s duties range from patrol of open spaces, malls and wilderness areas, where it would be highly impossible to patrol with police vehicles.


Mounted Unit members are also deployed in crowd control operations and high visibility policing roles because of their height advantage.


The added height and visibility that the houses give members allows them to observe and police a wider area which assists in deterring crime.


Sergeant Mhlauli is a horse rider and a stable official. As a stable official, the member is responsible for the well-being and welfare of all the horses in the stable. On a daily basis, she makes sure that the houses are fed and if any of the horses are not well, she supports the Veterinary nurse in administering basic treatment.


Over and above her duties, she also ensures that the horses stables and day camps are in a good condition and that all horses are free from danger at all times.


Sergeant Mhlauli says working with horses was the best decision she has ever made.


“The most crucial part is the understanding and relationship between myself and the horses because horses sense a lot so if you fear horses, they won trust you and falling is possible. So it’s important to be in control and have a relationship with your horse”.


To Sergeant Mlhauli and all other female Mounted Unit members we appreciate the wok that you do.


Source: South African Police Service

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