September 29, 2024

POLOKWANE – Crime against women, children and vulnerable groups remains a priority for the South African Police Service. The Deputy Provincial Commissioner responsible  for Crime Detection Major General Samuel Manala accompanied by the Deputy Provincial Commissioner responsible for Corporate Services Major General Christine Morakaladi, led the Round Table conference on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide coupled with Prestige Awards Ceremony hosted on Friday, 25 March 2022, at the Polokwane Gateway International Airport.

The other key role players involved in the discussions included, SAPS National Head Office Brigadier Petunia Lenono and  Brigadier (Dr) Betty Ndlovu, Provincial Heads,District Commissioner of Mopani Major General Willy Mashavha, representatives of other Districts, Station Commanders, Men for Change and Women’s Network representatives from all levels in all the Districts, Provincial Women’s Network Champion Brigadier Marry Mashila and Provincial Men for Change Champion Lieutenant Colonel Remmonejesu Sekgota, the SAPS Band, other police officers and Public Service Act members.

Chaplain, Warrant Officer Khuba opened the proceedings with scripture reading and prayer. The Deputy Provincial Commissioner Major General Morakaladi welcomed the guests and thereafter outlined purpose of the event. She highlighted that this is the time to do introspection, look inwards and identify our problems as human beings working in the SAPS and come up with ways to address them.

Messages of support were committed by Provincial Women’s Network Champion Brigadier Mashila and Men for Change Champion Lieutenant Colonel Sekgota. The messages emphasized that as police we are not supposed to be part of the criminality that is taking place in the country and although the statistics show a high number of violence against women, men are also targeted. That we need to collaborate and collectively approach this horrendous scourge, it can never be eradicated by one gender. We need each other for a radical and robust change but that must start within our noble profession, the South African Police Service.

The Provincial Head of EHW Colonel Charlotte Mabusela introduced the guest speakers:

  • National Section Head for the Employee Health and Wellness (EHW) Component’s Quality of Life Section, Brigadier (Dr) Betty Ndlovu, presented on Women and Men Health.
  • National Head: Psychological Services at the Employee Health and Wellness (EHW) Directorate, Brigadier Petunia Lenono, presented on Mental Health.
  • The local Paediatrician and Wellness and Beauty Influencer Dr Talakgale  presented on Self-care (Inner& Outer Beauty).

The subject experts’ thereafter, responded accordingly to all questions posed by the audience.

The event was coupled with Prestige Awards Ceremony where the police management were honoured and recognised for exceptional work done by employees of the SAPS. A total number of eight awards and certificates were conferred on recipients from the Administration, Visible Policing and Detective environments.

The awards were coordinated by Brigadier Huma and Lieutenant Colonel Maboyi and the recipients are as follows:

  1. Sergeant S. Mathebula: Women of the year Level 5-7 (the member took part in the National Excellence Awards)
  2. Sergeant R.T Matsimbi:  Detective Employee of the year Level 5-7 (the member took part in the National Excellence Awards)
  3. Sergeant S.J Maluleke: Detective employee of the year Level 5-7
  4. Colonel R.P Rakhadani: Vispol Employee of the year Level 8-12
  5. Sergeant N.N Nkanyamane: Vispol Employee of the year Level 5-7
  6. Secretory D.E Mukhetoni: Administration Employee of the year Level 1-7
  7. A/C Seroka L.M: Administration Employee of the year Level 1-7
  8. A/C Sehlale N.T: Administration Employee of the year Level 1-7

The event rounded off with a keynote address by the Deputy Provincial Commissioner responsible for Crime Detection Major General Samuel Manala and he said: “There have been identified challenges that need to be addressed within the organisation and by admitting that these challenges have manifested in the organisation and we need help, we have taken a gigantic leap towards addressing the issues tabled here today.

“As the management of the SAPS in the province, we fully support this initiative. Today’s engagement has allowed us to raise issues of concern and I believe that addressing those issues will mean a lot to everyone and ensure that members are healthy physically and emotionally taking into cognizance that a happy worker is a productive worker. I have also seen the central role of every member of the SAPS in combatting and alleviating gender-based violence and femicide in and outside the organisation, he said.

“I would also like to congratulate all the recipients of awards this morning. The awards are an important recognition of your tireless work and dedication as women in the SAPS, “concluded Major General Samuel Manala.

Vote of thanks was rendered by the Provincial head Brigadier Maila and Announcements by Provincial Head of Supply Chain Management Services Brigadier Matseba.



Source: South African Police Service

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