Safer Schhols campaign held in Actionville

GAUTENG - The SAPS continues with Safer Schools campaigns that aim to raise awareness amongst children and young learners regarding crime and violence, as well as its impact on individuals, families and education.

School-based crime prevention is intended to enrich the participation of police officers in promoting safe and orderly school environments. The programme works in partnership with local police and Community Police Forums (CPFs) and Community Patrollers which are important components towards the realisation of the safety of our schools and learners as directed by the National Developmental Plan.

Actonville SAPS Social Crime Prevention coordinator, patrollers, Department of Social Development and Community Safety Brigades today conducted a school talk at Magalela Primary School.

The purpose of this visit to the school was to address the students/learners about substance abuse and, bullying, theft, rape, abduction and discipline.

The aim was to welcome them and inform them that the police work together with the school. Encouraging learners to walk in groups for their safety.

Source: South African Police Service