September 22, 2024

As the country celebrates Women’s Month, the SAPS welcomes the hefty rape and kidnapping sentence that was recently handed down to Shambi Elias Latha (42) in the Kuruman Regional Court.

On 18 November 2016 at approximately 22:25 the accused took the female victim (25) from a social gathering in Cassel Village, Bothitong and threatened her with a knife to accompany him to his house.

He locked them in his bedroom and assaulted her with a panga and she was severely beaten.

He raped her several times and fell asleep. The victim managed to escape and reported the incident to the police and he was subsequently arrested two days later.

Latha was found guilty and sentenced as follows on 14 August 2024:

Count 1 : Rape, sentenced 18 years’ imprisonment

Count 2 : Kidnapping, sentenced to four years’ imprisonment.

The sentences will run concurrently and he was also declared unfit to possess a firearm.

The Acting Provincial Commissioner of the Northern Cape, Major General Luntu Ngubelanga commended Detective Captain Caren Nel from the Kuruman Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences unit for her continued selfless contribution to fighting GBVF in the province, especially as we are celebrating Women’s Month during August. He also appreciated the collaboration with the National Prosecuting Authority for their relentless efforts in the pursuit of justice.

Source : South African Police Service