October 21, 2024

We gather on the eve of South Africa’s Heritage Day to sign a historic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the provincial government of KwaZulu-Natal and the United Nations to declare for our country and the world that by working together we can build a proud legacy and a heritage that future generations will be proud to inherit.


The heritage and legacy we wish to bequeath to the beautiful ones who are yet to be born is one of peace, development, and dignity for all humanity and the most vulnerable.


On the 24th of September, South Africa’s Heritage Day, through uMkhosi we Lembe, we will remember too the role of a great nation builders like King Shaka ka Senzangakhona.


We will also look beyond to draw inspiration from our warrior Kings and Queens who for centuries fought for our liberation and the unity of our people. Here in KwaZulu-Natal, we will also celebrate the rich cultural diversity of the people of KwaZulu-Natal who have made this part of their world their home.


Our partnership with the United Nations is critical in our provincial efforts of building enduring peace and advancing sustainable development where no one is left behind.


We wish to assure the UN and its agencies that KwaZulu-Natal is home to you and we welcome you with open hands on this journey of supporting development and peace in this beautiful and legendary province.


Once again, on behalf of the Provincial Government, we wish to express our deepest sense of gratitude to our sister and prominent leader, Ms Nardos Bekele-Thomas, for her care, compassion, activism, and determination to work closer with KwaZulu-Natal in addressing our contemporary developmental challenges while we lay together a firm foundation for a holistic development for our future.


We also wish to applaud the teams from our provincial government and the UN that have worked tirelessly to craft the MoU and the framework for its implementation.


Ladies and Gentlemen, you will recall that in the aftermath of the deadly and devastating July riots, Ms Nardos Bekele-Thomas in her capacity as UN Resident Coordinator in South Africa led a delegation to KwaZulu-Natal between 27-30 July.


The visit offered the UN an opportunity to visit some of the areas impacted by the violence. She and her team interacted with affected communities and stakeholders and discussed the potential support that the UN could contribute to ongoing response efforts.


The mission consisted of various meetings with the Provincial leadership, the Political and Administrative leadership of eThekwini Metro, the Executive Management Team of the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (Accord) and visits to the sites impacted by the civil unrest.


These engagements identified areas in which the UN could provide support to the KZN Provincial Government in the immediate, medium and long term to recover and build back.


As we strengthen our law enforcement and put in place plans to mitigate future occurrences, we also agree that we need to get to the root causes of anti-social behaviour in KwaZulu-Natal and indeed in our country. In this regard, we share the sentiment by the UN Resident Coordinator that, “People need a stake in the economy because then they will protect it not destroy it.”


We appreciate that the UN has pledged its support to the Provincial Government of KwaZulu-Natal to assist in rebuilding affected communities and to address the underlying causes of the complex developmental landscape in the province.


Covid-19 has compounded the socio-economic challenges that we face in the country and in KwaZulu-Natal. Emerging research on global peace is also indicating that the pandemic is fuelling tensions across the globe and creating new challenges. Having worked closely with the UN and its agencies in our collective fight against the spread of HIV, TB, and other STIs, we have no doubt that the UN will be an important player to help us defeat the coronavirus and reduce its impact on our citizens.


We have renewed our partnership with the UN in this MoU informed by the principle that the UN’s support will be guided by the Provincial Growth and Development Strategy Plan (PGDP). Our efforts will support KZN’s Vision 2030 which is “a prosperous Province with a healthy, secure and skilled population, acting as a gateway to Africa and the World.” The MoU is also aligned to the Provincial Priorities, the Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) which are aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2020-2025 co-led by the Government and the UN.


We have undertaken that the joint work carried out by the Provincial Government and United Nations will be channelled through the Emergency Response Plan, and the Implementation Framework between the UN and the OTP.


The detailed MoU has provided details on governance issues, reporting mechanisms, as well as on monitoring and evaluation.


Working together, we will focus on immediate targeted interventions to address issues facing the communities affected by the civil unrest and looting in KwaZulu-Natal. In this regard, we have prioritised the economy, ensuring the continued provision of social services, addressing food insecurity, provision of infrastructure and advancing social cohesion.


The Implementation Framework will focus on these catalytic interventions:


(a) Inclusive Growth and Job Creation,


(b) Building Human Capabilities,


(c) Effective, efficient, and transformative governance


(d) Climate Resilience and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources.


We are indeed happy that the MoU is informed by the need of supporting a post-covid recovery and developmental trajectory that is environmentally friendly and sustainable. This is in line with the ethos of a Green Recovery, the promotion of low carbon emissions and supporting a climate resilient development.


We have no doubt that our partnership with the UN and all its entities will enable KwaZulu-Natal to maximise mutual benefits for our residents and citizens.


On my part as Co-Chair of the Provincial Steering Committee with the UN Resident Coordinator, I commit to ensure that the spirit and intent of the MoU is translated into tangible benefits that will promote sustainable development, heal our people, unite them, and restore their dignity.


Please remember to protect yourself from Covid-19 by vaccinating and following all non-pharmaceutical safety protocols.


Be safe on our roads.


This is the time to build, and not destroy. A time for hope, not despair. A time for KwaZulu-Natal to rise with all her people to reach their full potential. And we thank the UN for becoming a dependable partner and reliable ally as we rebuild ourselves. Your care is definitely big vote of confidence to KwaZulu-Natal and all our people.


Source: Government of South Africa

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