October 22, 2024

KwaZulu-Natal Premier Sihle Zikalala has officially launched the Multi-Planting Season Programme aimed at eradicating the triple challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment through ensuring inclusive economic development by investing in agriculture.


Premier Zikalala also announced that the province has set aside a total budget of R65.3 million for 2021/22 Multi Planting Season Programme to accommodate the mechanisation services.


The planting season was unveiled in the uThukela District Municipality today, where the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has taken a bold move of planning to cultivate a minimum of 2 265 hectares of land in the District.


The planting season in uThukela District focuses more on the production of summer crops (maize and beans) and vegetable production in support of the Radical Agrarian Socio-Economic Transformation (RASET) programme. The programme is further designed to provide better access to food and create an opportunity for localised production in order to promote equitable access by resourcing poor households.


While launching the programme, Premier Zikalala said through the Multi-Planting Season Programme, the province provides support to farmers inclusive of services such as supply of production inputs (fertilizer, seed and chemicals), provision of mechanisation services (ploughing, disking, planting and application of agro-chemicals and fertilizer) and assistance with marketing of produce especially through RASET and other outlets.


“The planting season programme has a potential to create 159 job opportunities during and post operations through various services including but not limited to tractor operators, crop management and harvesting services and many more. The multi-pronged planting programme provides opportunities for the use of SMME’s through the provision of mechanization services. The implementation of the programme is expected to reach approximately 18 921 beneficiaries across the province. The majority of the beneficiaries is made of 60% of female beneficiaries represented by approximately 11 357 people. Furthermore, approximately 2 457 youth and 198 disabled people involved in agriculture will also benefit from the support provided,” said Premier Zikalala.


The Premier also said this year has been very hard on the people of the province because the Covid-19 pandemic has robbed us of people we love, respect and cherish.


“March 12 this year will forever be etched in the historical books of our province and indeed our country and the world. This is the day which tore our hearts with untold pain and sorrow as we learnt of the untimely passing of our beloved monarch, King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu, who always encouraged the people of the province to focus on agriculture to eradicate poverty and promote healthy living. When we launch these planting programmes, it is also in honour of our departed King who was a dedicated warrior of food security and the cultivation of the land. We urge you to keep the Zulu King’s memory alive by always cultivating your fields so that you drive hunger away from your doorsteps,” said Premier Zikalala.


Premier Zikalala said that the KwaZulu-Natal government is dedicated to helping women-led and women-owned farming businesses so that women are empowered to run sustainable agricultural businesses which feed communities and the province at large with nutritious and life-giving food.


“We are pleased to report that each District has made provision to procure seed for new entrants and we are at the advance stage of procurement. Through reprioritization process, R20million has been set aside for procurement of seed. UThukela District has been allocated 2 350 bags of fertilizer to kickstart the launch of this year’s Multi Planting Season Programme. Beneficiaries of this financial year’s Multi Planting Season Programme total 2 000 with 1 050 males, 950 women, 370 young people and 85 people with disabilities,” said Premier Zikalala.


The Premier also revealed that in the 2021/22 financial year, KwaZulu-Natal will cultivate no less than of 21 394 hectares in the entire province. The province’s targets are: Amajuba ( 2 300 hectare); Ethekwini (250 hectares); Ilembe (500 hectares); Harry Gwala (3 900 hectares); Ugu ( 2000 hectares); Umkhanyakude (1 597 hectares); King Cetshwayo (1 000 hectares); UMgungundlovu (1 050 hectares); UMzinyathi (3 662 hectares); Zululand (2 870 hectares) and as we said, 2 265 hectares here in uThukela.


In the Alfred Duma Local Municipality, 756 hectares will be cultivated as follows: 450 hectares of maize, 286 hectares of beans and 20 hectares of vegetables.


In Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality 764 hectares will be planted in the 2021/2022 season as follows: 450 hectares of maize; 284 hectares of beans; and 30 hectares of vegetables. In Okhahlamba, the plan is to plant 450 hectares of maize; 285 hectares of beans; and 10 hectares of vegetables.


Premier Zikalala was joined by the Leader of Government Business and MEC for Treasury Nomusa Dube-Ncube, MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs Ravi Pillay, MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development Bongi Sithole-Moloi, MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Sipho Hlomuka, MEC for Human Settlements and Public Works Jomo Sibiya, local leadership and the Director-General of the Province Dr Nonhlanhla Mkhize.


Source: Government of South Africa

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