Premier Kaobitsa Bushy Maape launches Traditional Council Elections in Mahikeng, 15 Nov

North West Premier, Kaobitsa Bushy Maape, joined by the MEC for Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs, Lenah Miga and the Chairperson of the North West House of the Traditional Khoi-San and Leaders, Kgosi Thari Maotwe will on tomorrow Tuesday, officially launch the 2022/2023 Traditional Council Elections in Mahikeng.

The elections in the fifty-six (56) traditional councils in the province are to be conducted in fulfilment of the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act (TKLA) No. 3 of 2019, Section 16(1) which provides that once the Premier has recognised a traditional community and its traditional leader, a Traditional Council must be established within a period of two years of such recognition.

The launch will be attended, amongst others by Mayors, representatives from religious, civic and business organisations.

Source: Government of South Africa