Premier Alan Winde and MEC Tertuis Simmers hands over homes to New Woodlands and the Kosovo informal settlements, 12 Nov

Western Cape Government uniting communities through farm 694 project

On Saturday 12 November, Premier Alan Winde together with his Minister of Infrastructure Tertuis Simmers, will be at the historical Farm 694 housing project. Qualifying beneficiaries from New Woodlands and the Kosovo informal settlements will receive keys to their brand-new homes at the ceremonial event.

The Farm 694 Integrated Human Settlement project, is one of the Western Cape Government’s Southern Corridor catalytic projects, aimed at redressing spatial inequities in the province. The project has now completed its phase 1, in which 109 beneficiaries will take occupation of their homes this week. Upon completion the project will deliver 434 housing opportunities, on a 50/50 split for beneficiaries from New Woodlands and the Kosovo Informal Settlements.

Speaking ahead of the ceremony Minister Simmers said: “these two communities who have previously been separated by the highway, who have a lot in common yet are very different, will now form a brand-new community as one. This project is an exemplar of what is possible when all stakeholders come together and seek solutions to create a better and united society for all.”

“Restoring dignity to our communities begins with providing people with a roof over their heads with homes they can call their own” said Premier Alan Winde adding, “However, it is not only about giving residents a place to call their own, but also about helping them feel safe and creating an inclusive community which takes pride in its homes.”

All media are invited. 

Source: Government of South Africa