September 19, 2024

The Fullah Progressive Union (FPU) in Port Loko District, North West Region, has elected its new executive team. The election, which filled approximately ten key positions, including Chairman, Chairlady, Secretary, Youth Leader, and Welfare Secretary, was conducted by the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (EC-SL) to ensure transparency and fairness. The newly elected officials will serve a four-year term.

Mohamed Sallieu C. Sawaneh emerged as the Chairman, while Madam Kadiatu Bah was elected Chairlady for the district. National observers Baillor Barrie and Abdul Razack Bah, who monitored the election process from the FPU’s National Head Office in Freetown, commended the peaceful and transparent elections. They emphasized the importance of membership in the Union and urged members to support and respect their leaders. The observers also highlighted the need for the newly elected executive to demonstrate strong leadership and to uphold the Union’s goals of promoting and protecting the interests of its memb

In his acceptance speech, Chairman-elect Sawaneh expressed gratitude for the trust placed in him and his colleagues. He outlined his primary goals, including enhancing unity among the Fullah community and fostering peaceful coexistence between cattle herders and crop farmers. Chairman Sawaneh also addressed concerns about a recent surge in cattle theft in the district, which has negatively impacted herders.

Echoing these concerns, Chairlady Kadiatu Bah and Vice Chairman Sulaiman Bah called on the leadership of the Police and Judiciary to take theft-related cases seriously and ensure justice is served.

Meanwhile, the newly elected Youth Leader, Abdulai Barrie, has vowed to lead efforts against the growing problem of Kush abuse within the Worreh communities and Port Loko District.

Source : Sierra Leone News Agency