October 18, 2024

Windhoek: Political parties have said they will intensify their election campaigns following the Electoral Commission of Namibia ‘ s ( ECN ) acceptance of their nominations for presidential and parliamentary candidates on Wednesday . The ECN on Wednesday officially announced that 21 political parties will participate in the 2024 Presidential and National Assembly Elections . A senior leader of the Landless People ‘ s Movement , Ivan Skrywer , told Nampa their election campaign ‘ resonates with the youth .’ ‘ We have a very youthful and futuristic campaign ,’ Skrywer said . Affirmative Repositioning ( AR ) Movement leader , Job Amupanda , spoke about the party ‘ s readiness for the upcoming presidential elections . ‘ We are ready for the elections , we have been moving around the clock . We have prioritised the voter education strategy which is a door – to – door , person – to – person approach to communicate with the voters and this has been working out ,’ Amupanda said . The official opposition party , Popul
ar Democratic Movement ( PDM ), is also intensifying its elections campaign across Namibia . ‘ We are moving around the whole country , town to town , door to door and person to person engaging the Namibian people . We are also sending out our manifesto and engaging leaders from entities and various sectors ,’ said PDM secretary general Manuel Ngaringombe . Ngaringombe said the party ‘ s president , McHenry Venaani is visiting different communities and listening to their challenges and problems as part of the election campaign . On his part , the national spokesperson of the Independent Patriots for Change , Imms Nashinge said they started campaigning back in March 2022 . ‘ We are in the last phase . As a grassroots participatory democratic party we are for the people . We have been going to the masses as part of our strategy , going face – to – face to truly understand and listen from their mouths as to what challenges they have and what solutions they expect ,’ he said . The United Democratic Front is also
expected to intensify their election campaign , after the party launched its election manifesto in Otjiwarongo over the weekend . The party ‘ s secretary general , Daniel Tsaneb said the party has adopted a door – to – door campaign and is ready for elections .

Source: The Namibia News Agency