October 23, 2024

LEBOWAKGOMO:  The South African Police Service in Limpopo jointly with faith-based organisations and other stakeholders are putting more efforts to eradicate the scourge of gender-based violence and femicide, as part of the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children.


On Sunday 28 November 2021, the Capricorn District Commissioner Major General Lesiba Mashilo together with the Station Commander of Lebowakgomo SAPS Colonel Kgwedi led the divine intervention campaign against gender-based violence and femicide at Uniting Reformed Church in Lebowakgomo Zone A.


The event was well organised by the Employee Health and Wellness (EHW) coordinator Warrant Officer Thobejane with the support of the social crime prevention coordinator Sergeant Kekana.


In attendance were also the local church leaders, sister departments and community based structures.


The Station Commander Colonel Kgwedi, welcomed all attendees while Captain Thaba from Lebowakgomo Human Resource Development Center directed the program jointly with Lieutenant Colonel Seabi from the Provincial Media Center.


Highlights of the day included the memorial candle light session by Major General Mashilo and Colonel Kgwedi and an observation of a moment of silence to recognise the fallen heroes who lost their lives, as well as a prayer session against the scourge of gender based violence.


Archibishop Kgomo, rendered a sermon proceeded by messages of support from the stakeholders such Department of Health, Traffic, CSF, CPF, VEP, YCOP etc.


Reverend Captain Sefora facilitated the congregational prayer after an intercessory prayer session led by Pastor Manyaka with Reverend Vilakazi, Reverend Sefora, Reverend Thobejane and Pastor Kutumela.


During his key note address, Major General Mashilo reminded the congregation that crime thrives on three legs being the opportunity, perpetrator and victim and if we work hard to remove even one leg our country will be free of crime.


He went on and gave an example that police are commonly known for corruption but the community are the ones who perpetuate it by offering bribes to the same police members.


The General, further stressed the need for God’s intervention in the families and communities and that charity begins at home. He went on and discouraged buying of stolen goods and encouraged parental guidance in the families.


Colonel Kgwedi thanked all who attended the occasion especially, the Lebowakgomo SAPS LCRC personnel and the church leaders for the session.


Other matters that were addressed were community health, road and public servants safety, substance abuse, Covid-19 pandemic, government leadership, crime and corruption reduction.


Warrant Officer Thobejane who meticulously facilitated the event closed it off on a high note with Christmas carols.


The SAPS band under the leadership of Captain Titus kept the attendees off their chairs and locked them on the dance floor as always.


Source: South African Police Service

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