September 19, 2024

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed inaugurated the Chebera Churchura, Elephant Paw Lodge in Dawuro Zone of South West Ethiopia, according to Office of the Prime Minister.

As part of Prime Minister Abiy’s ‘Dine for Nation’ initiative and a component of the larger Koysha and Halala Kela cluster was inaugurated in February 2021 to capitalize on the natural endowments of the area, expanding greenery attraction sites across the nation.

The Koysha Project and the Chebera Churchera National Park, which are part of the Dine for Nation project, play a major role in developing the region’s tourism environment.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, along with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen, Speaker of the House of People’s Representatives, Tagesse Chafo, regional chief administrators and high ranking government officials, as well as invited guests attended the inauguration ceremony.

It is to be recalled that Dine for Sheger, Dine for Nation and Dine for Generation initiated by the premier yielde
d captivating tourist attractions, positioning Ethiopia as a destination with many splendors.

These are clear manifestations of the country’s commitment to fully exploiting its tourism potentials, leveraging the sector as one of the accelerators of Ethiopia’s inclusive economic growth ambitions.

The East African nation has given a paramount attention to the tourism sector in its ten year development plan. The government is also working to improve policies and legal frameworks to make the sector a key part of the local economic strategy.
Source: Ethiopian News Agency