October 24, 2024

The Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs welcomes the progress and work done by the executive in complying with the Constitutional Court ruling regarding the election of independent candidates in national and provincial elections.

The committee has remained of the view that the amendment of the Electoral Act 73 of 1998 requires a rigorous, well thought out and considered process that will ensure the constitutionality of the electoral system. In line with this, the committee welcomed the meticulous work done by the Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) to consult with various stakeholders and finally presenting two options on electoral reform for our people to consider.

The two options presented by the Executive presents a viable initial platform necessary for Parliament to do its work which will include a comprehensive public participation model. “We urge political parties and individuals to start in earnest to consult extensively on the two presented options. Also, the committee has emphasised that the consultation must also suggest solutions to challenges raised by the MAC, which include among others the process to fill a vacancy of an independent that may arise midterm” said Mr Mosa Chabane, the Chairperson of the Committee.

The committee has noted the presentation made by the Minister and once the state legal adviser has completed with certification of opinion will in earnest start with its public participation process. The committee remains conscious of its obligation as a result of the Constitutional Court judgment but has underscored the importance of considered and thorough work to ensure constitutionality.


Source: Government of South Africa

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