September 29, 2024

More than 97% of votes, or 22 677 of 23 292 voting districts, have been completed, according to the Electoral Commission’s 2024 National and Provincial Elections Results Dashboard.

As at 8:20am on Saturday, the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) results system showed that nationally, with votes being 97.39% complete, the African National Congress (ANC) had 40.11% of the votes, followed by the Democratic Alliance (DA) with 21.72%. The uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK Party) follows with 14.83%, while the Economic Freedom Fighters are fourth with 9.37%.

Other party results making up the top 10 are as follows:

Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) – 3.96%;

Patriotic Alliance (PA) – 2.04%;

Freedom Front Plus – 1.36%;

Action SA – 1.16%;

African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) – 0.6%, and

United Democratic Movement (UDM) – 0.49%.

Vote capturing and validation continue.

Source: South African Government News Agency