September 19, 2024
The Oshikoto regional council has spent N.dollars 40 million on infrastructure development for the 2022/23 financial year.This was revealed by Oshikoto Governor, Penda Ya Ndakolo during his state of the regional address at Omuthiya on Wednesday.He sai...

The Oshikoto regional council has spent N.dollars 40 million on infrastructure development for the 2022/23 financial year.

This was revealed by Oshikoto Governor, Penda Ya Ndakolo during his state of the regional address at Omuthiya on Wednesday.

He said the regional council budgeted a total of N.dollars 46 million towards infrastructure development, of which N.dollars 40 million was spent, accounting for a 88 per cent execution rate.

Ya Ndakolo said the development focused on the provision of clean drinking water, electrification of rural areas, settlements and growth centres, surveying of settlements, implementation of the sanitation programs, and the construction of roads and offices.

He further highlighted that during the year under-review, the region budgeted for 17 areas to be electrified, of which seven were fully electrified with medium and low voltage networks, noting the other ten are in progress and the majority of them are above 80 per cent progress rate.

“Infrastructure development is important as it does not only ensure the provision of critical goods and services to the communities, but it also provides the much needed employment through tenders awarded, especially to private companies,” he noted.

Ya Ndakolo noted that the region continues to face water scarcity challenges, especially in the deep rural areas, where water pressure is low or salty. However, despite those challenges, the regional leadership is fully conscious of the responsibility they bear to mitigate them.

He indicated that the division of rural water supply conducted experimental interventions towards the water challenge by digging five deep boreholes at an amount of N.dollars 4 million in the rural constituencies which are historically prone to saline underground water, however, it was found that none of the five boreholes were safe for human and animal consumption.

“In order to cleanse the water and make it suitable for consumption, the division is currently busy implementing the desalination process,” he noted.

He revealed that the Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) is working on the environmental impact assessment study for the Ondangwa Omutsegwonime water-pipeline replacement phase-one, which is budgeted at N.dollars 80 million as well as the Oshivelo-Omutswgonime water supply scheme, which is at the initiation phase and budgeted at N.dollars 27 million.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency