September 21, 2024

The opening of Parliament is a time of reflection and renewal where the nation looks to its leaders for guidance, vision and assurance, says Police Minister Senzo Mchunu.

‘Our role as the police is ensuring the safety and security of this event and that cannot be overstated,’ he said on Thursday, speaking at the police’s operational readiness parade held at the Castle of Good Hope.

Mchunu said the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) played a fundamental role in ensuring that the country remains safe, particularly during events of national significance.

He told the gathering of police, military officials and security officials tasked with ensuring that the Opening of Parliament takes place under a secure environment that ‘every action they take should be within the bounds of law, respecting the fundamental freedoms that are the bedrock of democracy’.

‘Your duty is to protect the rights of individuals even as you safeguard the state. Our mission remains clear, to protect and se
rve the people of South Africa with honour and courage,’ Mchunu said.

He urged the law enforcement agencies to remain vigilant, stay united and continue to uphold the principles that guide the service.

‘Let us work together to ensure that this event proceeds without incident, showcasing the strength and stability of our nation.

‘I want to extend my deepest gratitude and appreciation to each one of you. Your unwavering dedication and commitment to safeguarding our nation are the pillars upon which our democracy stands,’ Mchunu said.

Defence Minister Angie Motshekga said their role was to support the police. ‘We are here to support the police and we are ready to protect the nation,’ she said.

On Wednesday, the NATJOINTS said it was ready to police the 2024 Opening of Parliament Address.

The NATJOINTS has this year successfully policed a number of major events, including the 2024 National and Provincial Elections, the first sitting of the National Assembly and Provincial Legislatures as well as the Preside
ntial Inauguration.

Today’s parade consisted of all law enforcement agencies, including the South African Police Service (SAPS), the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), the National and Provincial Traffic Management and the City of Cape Town Metro Police Department.

Source: South African Government News Agency