October 10, 2024

Anti – Corruption Commission ( ACC ) Director – General Paulus Noa has said it is encouraging that many , if not all , political parties contesting the Presidential and National Assembly elections , have promised to commit their leadership to combating corruption . Noa made the remarks during the Omusati Annual Regional Forum on the Implementation of the National Anti – Corruption Strategy and Action Plan on Tuesday , saying it is a crucial step towards the implementation of the plan . Cabinet approved the National Anti – Corruption Strategy and Action Plan ( NACSAP ) 2021 – 2025 at its 22nd decision – making meeting held in December 2021 . According to Noa , good governance at local and regional authorities is key to economic development . ‘ Corruption has the ability to derail national projects meant for the improvement of the citizenry ‘ s standard of living , thereby posing a great challenge to the alleviation of poverty ,’ he said . He added that corruption drains resources from much – needed investment
s particularly in the areas of health , education , infrastructure and other basic services . Corruption whereby a few groups of citizens benefit from the natural resources of the country due to unjust man – made policies and laws , while the majority swims in abject poverty , causes widespread bitterness and instability , the ACC director – general said . ‘ These behaviours must be discouraged from taking root in our society . We must all commit ourselves to restoring Namibia to prosperity ,’ he added . Noa further indicated that the strategy has eight strategic objectives and 95 actions which are being implemented by 44 lead institutions , while the ACC plays the role of coordination . The 2023 / 2024 financial year has marked the second year of the actual implementation of the strategy . During the 2022 / 2023 financial year , 13 of 16 cluster meetings were held to review the progress of the strategy implementation . Noa indicated that this progress builds on the milestone of the 2022 / 23 financial year ,
of which 87 of the 95 actions were successfully implemented by 44 implementing institutions under the NACSAP .

Source: The Namibia News Agency