September 19, 2024

KIMBERLEY – Today, the SAPS women in the Northern Cape, hosted a High Tea event in recognition of their existence within the organization.

The history of high tea events dates back to the 1700’s and was normally held in the afternoon to serve men who were working in the fields in Britain.

The name is derived from the fact that only high stools were used in the process to serve the people with light meals while they were standing.

On 1 January 1976, the first group of women joined the police and this High Tea event serves as a prelude to the 50th year milestone that will be celebrated in 2022.

The event was attended by many women who include amongst other, the former Provincial Head of Inspectorate and the now retired Major General Jennifer Fourie.

The Deputy Provincial Commissioner for Crime Detection in the Northern Cape, Major General Koliswa Otola, took time out from her busy schedule and attended the event that was jovial and full of love as women embraced one another while sharing words of encouragement.

Captain Loleka Cawe from Employee Health and Wellness Services also had powerful words to share with the queens and her main focus for the day was Domestic Violence and Gender Based Violence.

She spoke strongly about the contribution that women make in breaking other women and their marriages, thus leading to domestic violence and gender based violence.

The women came out strong, encouraged and highly empowered from the event whose main purpose was to have wonderful discussions and share ideas.

The event would not be complete without them reflecting their maternal side by sealing it off with a candle lighting ceremony that was performed by the two generals in remembrance of those that departed from this world.

Long may you reign queens!


Source: South African Police Service

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