September 30, 2024

North West Executive Council concludes a successful session

The North West Provincial Government held a successful Executive Council (EXCO) sitting yesterday, Wednesday, 02 March 2022, which follows the maiden State of the Province Address delivered by Premier Kaobitsa Bushy Maape last month.

The Executive Council reflected on the recent head-on-collision accident which claimed 19 lives in Mamusa Local Municipality, and conveyed special condolences to all the affected families, relatives and friends over the tragic loss of their loved ones.

The Executive Council appointed a team of five MECs constituted by MECs Boitumelo Moiloa, Motlalepula Rosho, Wendy Matsemela, Oageng Molapisi and Sello Lehari, to focus on providing support for the mass funeral of all the deceased. This team will be supported by a technical team led by the Administrator and Director General in the Office of the Premier, and HODs for Social Development, Provincial Treasury, HODs and Administrators for Education, Community Safety and Transport Management and Administrator for Public Works and Roads.

The Executive Council received progress report on stabilisation and optimisation of pharmaceutical services in the North West Province. The report reflected decisive interventions made at the Mmabatho Medical Stores, which include improving financial management and human resources amongst others.  This progress report was endorsed as work in progress registered as a result of the Section 100 intervention in the province.

In addition, the Executive Council reflected on incidents of Gender Based Violence in the province and reiterated a call for all government departments to prioritise interventions in this area as this scourge continues to rear its ugly head.

The Executive Council also welcomed an update report on the District Development Model Presidential Imbizo that is to be held in the Mahikeng on Saturday, 12 March 2022. The Imbizo, which is the first of its kind in the 6th Administration, will be held in observance of the Covid-19 regulations and will afford citizens an opportunity to engage with President Cyril Ramaphosa.  This Imbizo will be preceded by build-up activities in various parts of Mahikeng Local Municipality.




Source: Government of South Africa

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