NMB District Commissioner’s women conduct crime awareness at malls

NELSON MANDELA BAY DISTRICT – Policewomen and civilian personnel from the NMB District Commissioner’s office conducted a successful crime awareness campaign at Greenacres mall on Friday, 16 September 2022.

The well branded static table most certainly attracted shoppers who were either interested in the various crime awareness pamphlets or just making enquiries about police related matters. The dedicated bevy of law enforcement women were well prepared with a laptop on hand to assist with any queries relating to any cases.

The crime fighters also walked around the mall talking and handing out pamphlets to members of the public. Pamphlets among others on bullying, MySAPS App, Domestic Violence, theft out/from motor vehicle were handed out to the shoppers and scholars.

Taking our services to the community coupled with safety awareness was a success and welcomed by the community.

Source: South African Police Service