October 12, 2024

WINDHOEK: Minister of Education , Arts and Culture , Anna Nghipondoka , on Wednesday launched the education project charter training , aimed at evaluating the progress , challenges , and solutions discussed at the National Education Conference held in 2022 . At the training , held in Windhoek , Nghipondoka noted that the 2022 conference outlined 43 recommendations , which were prioritised and summarised into 10 key levers aimed at promoting inclusivity , equality , and expanding digital learning . She highlighted the recommendations , which include inclusive , quality education ( improved access to quality education ); accelerated educational infrastructure development ; a review and strengthening of the TVET curriculum ; expansion of the family literacy programme ; transformation of pre – service teacher education programmes and Continuous Professional Development ( CPD ) for teachers to meet curriculum demands in schools . It further included professionalisation of the teaching profession ; unlocking the po
tential for sustainable development through lifelong learning , arts , culture , and the creative industries ; expansion and transformation of digital learning ; education financing ; and education transformation through organisational development . ‘ It is expected that the full and successful implementation of the prioritised recommendations of the conference ‘ s implementation plan will transform and enhance the quality of the national education system and , subsequently , improve teaching and learning outcomes ,’ she said . Nghipondoka urged the attendees , primarily education stakeholders , to critically assess the progress of the conference ‘ s implementation plan and to propose strategies and solutions , as well as identify major issues hindering progress . She further called for collaboration among stakeholders and policymakers . ‘ The Ministry of Education , Arts and Culture is committed to enhancing the quality of education across the nation . To achieve this , we must continuously refine our strate
gies and engage proactively with all stakeholders . Collaboration will drive the success of this endeavour and foster a shared commitment to educational excellence .’ Speaking at the same event , the Minister of Higher Education , Technology and Innovation , Itah Kandjii – Murangi , stressed the importance of collective effort in achieving the charter ‘ s goals . ‘ The government alone cannot achieve this transformation . We need the support , collaboration , and investment of key stakeholders – including the private sector , development partners , civil society , and the international community ,’ she emphasised .

Source: The Namibia News Agency