September 21, 2024

The National Commissioner of the South African Police Service, General Khehla John Sitole has welcomed the ruling by the Arbitrator Safety & Security Sectoral Bargaining Council (SSSBC) to uphold the dismissal of Jeremy Veary.


Veary, the former Deputy Provincial Commissioner for Detectives in the Western Cape, was dismissed in May this year following an expiditious disciplinary process against him after he made posts on his personal Facebook profile, which constituted disrespect and/or brought the National Commissioner of the SAPS into disrepute.


Veary referred an unfair dismissal dispute to the SSSBC. After much deliberation on the matter, the Arbitrator ruled at the end of his 24-page award to the SSSBC that:-


The dismissal of the Applicant, Major General Jeremy Veary was substantively fair,

The applicant is dismissed and

the bargaining council is directed to close the file.


Source: South African Police Service

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