National Assembly postpones debate on Section 89 Panel report

The National Assembly Programming Committee (NAPC) has postponed to next week Tuesday the debate on the Section 89 Panel Report, which looks into the robbery at the Phala Phala game farm.

“The NAPC has, during its urgent meeting convened on Monday evening, resolved to defer the consideration of the Section 89 Panel Report to Tuesday, 13 December 2022 at 14h00,” Parliament said in a statement on Monday.

The independent panel, led by retired Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo, investigated whether there is sufficient evidence to show that President Cyril Ramaphosa violated any grounds of impeachment, set out in Section 89 of the Constitution, linked to his conduct related to a robbery at his Phala Phala game farm in 2020.

The report by the panel found that the President may have seriously violated sections 96(2)(a) of the Constitution and Section 34(1) of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities (PRECCA) Act. The President has “categorically denied” allegations that he has violated his oath of office.

Parliament said that the 13 December National Assembly meeting will be fully physical, with no provision for virtual participation.

The National Assembly will vote on whether to accept or reject the Section 89 Panel Report.

“The National Assembly secretariat was tasked to secure a suitable venue that will accommodate all members.

“The meeting further resolved that the voting method on the report will be by means of an open ballot and a roll call,” Parliament said.

The National Assembly will still convene today to deal with the other matters on the Order Paper, including the Children’s Amendment Bill and farewell speeches.

Parliament said that the report of the Rules Committee will also be considered.

Source: South African Government News Agency