September 19, 2024

The Ministry of Technical and Higher Education, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), has taken a crucial step towards youth empowerment by organising an upskilling certification ceremony for 50 trainees in Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems. Held at the Freetown Polytechnic, Kissy Campus on 13th September 2025, the event aimed to formally recognise the skills of young men and women and contribute to national development.

In her keynote address, Minister of Technical and Higher Education Dr. Haja Ramatulai Wurie highlighted the importance of upskilling programs in transforming Sierra Leone’s young workforce. “The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector has the potential to rapidly transform young people, positively impacting their communities and the nation at large,” she said. Dr. Wurie further expressed the Ministry’s commitment to building the capacity of Sierra Leone’s youth, stating that the success of these pilot projects wi
ll pave the way for future initiatives aimed at youth employment.

The ceremony is part of the broader national effort to align with the government’s “Big Five Game Changers”-a development plan aimed at human capital development, youth empowerment, and infrastructure growth. Public Relations Officer Oladupe Coulson Diown explained that the upskilling and certification programs resonate with the human capital development goals outlined in Sierra Leone’s Medium-Term National Development Plan (2024-2030). He noted, “This initiative supports Sierra Leone’s pursuit of a stable and sustainable economy by enhancing the skills of its workforce.”

Dr Samba Moriba, Principal of Freetown Polytechnic, commended the government’s efforts to address youth unemployment, a pressing issue with six out of ten youths unemployed. He remarked, “Upskilling provides not only recognition of existing skills but also opens up opportunities for employment and self-reliance.”

The program has particularly impacted individuals like Victor
ia Pettitquoi, one of the graduates with seven years of experience in the HVAC field. She shared her experience of encountering tools for the first time during the training, noting that the knowledge gained has empowered her as a woman in a traditionally male-dominated field. “When women empower themselves, society respects them,” she said, encouraging other women to pursue technical skills for better opportunities.

Another graduate, Alhan Amara Kamara, with 11 years of experience in refrigeration, expressed his gratitude for the certification program. “I never knew the names of certain equipment I used. This certification is valuable because it formally recognises my skills,” he said. Kamara shared his ambition to further his education, aspiring to achieve a diploma, a higher diploma, and even a doctorate in his field.

The success of these upskilling projects has given hope to many youths and is a testament to the government’s commitment to youth development. Economic Adviser for UNDP, Mabulara Tusene, lau
ded the initiative, emphasising the critical role technical and vocational skills play in responding to global changes. “The certification of these skilled men and women is a major step toward transforming Sierra Leone’s workforce,” she said, adding that the program targets 100 skilled individuals in HVAC and construction across Freetown Polytechnic and Eastern Technical University.

Dr. Wurie reiterated the Ministry’s dedication to empowering the nation’s youth, recognising their potential to drive Sierra Leone’s development. “Through programs like this, we are bridging the gap between experience and formal certification, providing a platform for our young people to thrive,” she said.

The ceremony marked a significant milestone in Sierra Leone’s ongoing efforts to tackle youth unemployment and support national growth through technical and vocational education.

Source: Sierra Leone News Agency