September 8, 2024

Anker, Kunene Region – Erastus Uutoni, the Minister of Urban and Rural Development, expressed his concern over the increasing rate of disputes within some traditional communities in Namibia. His remarks came during the inauguration of the |Gaio-Daman Traditional Authority Head Office and Ernst Taguri Gurirab Community Hall in Anker, Kunene Region, on Saturday.

According to Namibian Press Agency (NAMPA), unresolved disputes within traditional authorities are leading to conflicts that are costly, disrupt the focus from serving the people, and disturb peace and stability in the communities. He emphasized the detrimental impact of such disputes on development and service delivery, likening it to the proverbial scenario where, “when two elephants fight, the grass suffers.”

Uutoni urged the |Gaio-Daman Traditional Authority, and by extension other traditional authorities, to avoid disputes and address any issues promptly and effectively. He called for unity and cooperation within the traditional community, stressing the importance of working together for the common interest.

The minister highlighted the role of traditional authorities in hearing and settling disputes among members of their communities according to customary law, without necessarily resorting to the court of law. He reiterated the need for traditional leadership to be inclusive, people-centered, and to involve the community in planning and implementing development initiatives.

Uutoni also spoke about the broader role of traditional authorities in addressing social, economic, and legislative matters within their communities. He recognized traditional leaders as pillars of Namibian society, playing a fundamental role in maintaining and sustaining norms and principles in traditional communities.

In his closing remarks, Uutoni emphasized the role of traditional leaders as custodians of traditional customs and values, serving as a foundation for cultural inheritance that defines the characteristics and purpose of their communities’ existence.