September 29, 2024

North West Human Settlements must prioritize blocked projects in 2022/2023: Minister Kubayi

Human Settlements Minister, Mmamoloko Kubayi, has made an undertaking to community members in North West Province that government’s priority in housing the nation will also focus on urgently unblocking projects for accelerated housing delivery.

Communities raised concern about various blocked projects in Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality during a visit on Friday. The Minister was in Itsoseng, Ditsobotla Local Municipality in North West to issue over 1300 title deeds to beneficiaries of BNGs or fully subsidized government houses (formerly known as RDPs).

Delivering a  strong message to the community against the sale of government subsidized homes, the Minister cautioned: “As you receive these title deeds you are not given a license to sell houses or hand them over to loan sharks. Value what we are giving you today as your family asset and ensure that it is handed over to your future generations”.

In an effort to accelerate the delivery of houses, the issuing of title deeds to beneficiaries and restoring the dignity of the indigents through sustainable human settlements, she appealed to municipalities to work with the Department of Human Settlements by ensuring that plans are approved timeously to avoid funds being diverted to other performing areas.

“We rely on you (Municipal Councils) to put systems in place for development to happen. We will put your projects in the business plan but we need you to come on board”, said Minister Kubayi.

The Minister was also informed of the challenges with the delivery of houses and land availability in rural communities. She made an undertaking that she will soon meet with all traditional leaders in the province, mainly in the affected areas to engage them on how collectively, traditional leaders and Department of Human Settlements, can work together to improve the lives of the people living in rural areas.

Minister Kubayi was joined by North West MEC of Education Mmaphefo Matsemela, Executive Mayors of Ditspbotla Local Municipality, Cllr Messie Mokgothu and local councilors.



Source: Government of South Africa

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