September 30, 2024

The Minister of Culture and Tourism, Dr. Ali Al-Yafei, met with the field control and inspection committee members on tourism establishments in the Capital Secretariat.

During the meeting, Minister Al-Yafei urged the members of the committee to adhere to the rules and regulations of the Tourism Law, especially in investigating the fulfillment of the conditions for granting licenses to practice tourism activities.

He also stressed the importance of working in a spirit of responsibility and God-fearing spirit in carrying out their work.

The Minister reiterated that the ministry will not tolerate any failure or abuse of any kind that exposes citizens to extortion.

The meeting was held to ensure that tourism facilities in Yemen are complying with the regulations set forth by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The committee is responsible for inspecting tourism establishments and ensuring that they meet the required standards of safety, hygiene, and service.

The Minister of Culture and Tourism is committed
to promoting tourism in Yemen and ensuring that the country tourism facilities are of the highest quality.

The meeting with the field monitoring committee members is a step in the right direction to achieve this goal.

Additional Information:

The meeting was held in the Capital Secretariat.

The Minister of Culture and Tourism is Dr. Ali Al-Yafei.

The committee is responsible for inspecting tourism establishments and ensuring that they meet the required standards of safety, hygiene, and service.

The Minister of Culture and Tourism is committed to promoting tourism in Yemen and ensuring that the country tourism facilities are of the highest quality.

Source: Tourism Africa