September 19, 2024
Minister Nzimande to address the Black Business Council Annual SummitThe Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Dr Blade Nzimande, will be addressing the Black Business Council (BBC) annual Summit which is convened the theme “20 Years of...

Minister Nzimande to address the Black Business Council Annual Summit

The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Dr Blade Nzimande, will be addressing the Black Business Council (BBC) annual Summit which is convened the theme “20 Years of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act – Accelerating Implementation, Creating Jobs and Growing the Economy”.

Minister Nzimande will be addressing the Summit under the topic “Skills Development and the Fourth Industrial Revolution – Their Roles in Economic Transformation :Skills for the future”.

The overall purpose of the Summit is to review and interrogate policy and legislative instruments that affect overall socio-economic transformation and inclusive growth in South Africa.

The Summit aims to attract a cross-section of the population comprising Thought Leaders, Government Ministers, Academics, Economists, Professionals, Organised Business, and representatives of affiliated members of the Black Business Council.

The BBC is the over-arching confederation representing professional and business associations, chambers, and corporates with a membership of more than 2 million. The main purpose being to lobby government on policy and advocacy, to accelerate the participation of black South Africans in the mainstream economy.

Source: Government of South Africa