September 21, 2024

Minister Wang Zhigang, my dear friend and colleague, China’s Minister of Science and Technology


Ladies and Gentlemen, participants in the first China-Africa Conference on Innovation Cooperation


It is a great honour and privilege for me to bring this message of good wishes to you on the occasion of this historic event.  South Africa enjoys a deep, strategic science, technology and innovation partnership with China.  It is an important part of the comprehensive political, economic and development partnership between our countries.  It is a relationship, which the South African government and people value very much.


Even though I cannot be present with you in Hubei Province, I wanted to bring this message to you to emphasize South Africa’s greatest appreciation for China’s continued investment in expanding cooperation with Africa, especially within the framework of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC.)   Today, it is important to recall and salute President Xi Jinping’s vision, that science, technology and innovation should be a priority focus for FOCAC.


The FOCAC Beijing Action Plan seeks to leverage the role of science, technology and innovation as an instrument for growth and development.  The first China-Africa Conference on Innovation Cooperation is a direct response to achieve President Xi’s ambition for FOCAC.  We would, thus, like to congratulate the Ministry of Science and Technology on this initiative and I would like to assure Minister WANG that he can count on South Africa’s full support for this important mission.


Today, I would like to share with you three unique characteristics, which in my view, sets China – Africa cooperation in science, technology and innovation, apart from other international partnerships.  These are also three key reasons, which render me very optimistic with regard to the prospects for the success of the initiatives, this Conference will launch.


Firstly, cooperation between China and Africa is a real partnership, where the agenda is jointly defined.  We work together as equal partners, jointly identifying the focus areas and instruments of cooperation.  Successful Chinese – African cooperation in traditional medicine and indigenous knowledge systems is an excellent example in this regard.


Secondly, China is a generous partner, committed to sustained investment in real capacity-building in Africa.  The numerous training programmes, including student bursaries and fellowships, as well as policy dialogues for officials, offered by China to Africa, continue to be huge resource for developing the African knowledge economy.  In this regard and within the context of today’s event, I would like to highlight China’s support for science park development in Africa and cross-border incubation programmes for entrepreneurs.


Thirdly, and this extremely important, China views Africa as a full and equal partner for global cooperation.  Simply put China respects Africa as a partner and friend.  Whilst there is much talk in international policy circles about open science and open innovation, China’s actions and consistent readiness to share and cooperate, concretely put these principles into practice.  I can for example mention China’s loyal support for and participation in the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) global radio telescope project to be located in South Africa.


These three reasons, dear friends, Minister Wang, made it important for me to add South Africa’s voice of support for today’s conference.   We, thus, look forward to continued and expanded cooperation with our partners in China and other African countries, ensuring science, technology and innovation is put at the service of the fight against poverty and inequality, reinforcing true global solidarity and friendship, exactly as President XI had called for.


I thank you.


Source: Government of South Africa

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