Minister Aaron Motsoaledi and Deputy Minister Njabulo Nzuza table 2022/23 Home Affairs Budget Vote, 24 May 

The Minister of Home Affairs, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi and the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Mr Njabulo Nzuza will table the Department of Home Affairs Budget Vote on Tuesday, 24 May 2022.

The Budget Vote will focus on the strategic outcomes of the department which are articulated in the Home Affairs’ Strategic Plan 2020-25 and Annual Performance Plan (APP) 2022/23. It will afford the Minister and the Deputy Minister the opportunity to update the nation on plans and commitments which were articulated in the 2021/22 financial year.

The APP 2022/23, which was tabled in Parliament on 11 March 2022, contains the direction that the Department has set in order to effectively deliver on its mandate, which is management of citizenship and civil registration, management of international migration and management of refugee protection.

Source: Government of South Africa